Vast numbers of people today have little or no idea of the content of the Bible. There are some churches that claim to have the Bible as the sole authority for their beliefs, but not all of them give it the really close attention it deserves. Other churches (some very large ones at that) claim that the authority of their leaders, or their claimed possession of Holy Spirit gifts and guidance, surpass the authority of the Bible.

The Bible itself claims to be the word of God – God’s inspired revelation of Himself and His Son, and His plan for the world. This claim is either entirely true or it’s a lie. The Bible’s claim to truth is confirmed by its many future predictions that have actually come to pass already – particularly the numerous predictions about Jesus Christ and God’s people Israel. These give us assurance that predicted events that are still future to us today will also come to pass – notably Christ’s return and God’s Kingdom on earth. They also confirm that the Bible has the authority to teach us how to live our lives now – today.

We invite you to a free Bible talk on the crucial, foundational subject, Is the Bible still relevant for today?  This will beat 2.00pm on Sunday afternoon the 26th of January. The venue is the Christadelphian Hall, 489 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba Road, corner of Boyanda Street, opposite Ham Road, Wishart. That’s on Sunday afternoon the 26th of January at 2.00pm.

A booklet titled The Divine origin of the Bible. Unique book with a unique message can be downloaded or read online by going to the link at the foot of our home page to:

  • (Bible education→Booklets online→The Bible→booklet title).