God’s plan for world peace

The world faces many threats of armed conflict today. Highly dangerous situations continue to be prominent in the Middle East, in the Korean Peninsular, in the South China Sea and in European nations bordering Russia. Peaceful coexistence between the major powers is in jeopardy. Furthermore, extremist religious terrorism can strike anywhere – even in Australia,…

Israel is central to God’s plan

The people of Israel are described in the Old Testament as “God’s witnesses” (Isaiah 43 vv10&12). God, we’re told, chose Israel not because of their importance but because He loved them. The Old and New Testaments contain an amazingly candid record of their history, with their flaws and failings plainly revealed – a consistent record…

God’s solution to the environmental crisis

The world faces many apparently insoluble problems today – unsustainable population growth, climate change, increasing water and food shortages, economic and financial stress, worsening social unrest and violent lawlessness. Responsible national governments have cause to be deeply worried. Take the exponential world population growth in the 20th and 21st centuries for a start*. From less…

The Bible’s answer to suffering

It’s a sad fact of life that suffering impacts upon virtually every human being at some stage and in varying degrees. It’s also true that bad things happen to ‘good’ people and good things happen to ‘bad’ people. A disturbing feature of life today is that huge numbers of people are suffering poverty, starvation or…

God’s future world government

The world faces many apparently insoluble problems today – unsustainable population growth, climate change, increasing water and food shortages, economic and financial stress, increasing social unrest and violent lawlessness. Responsible world governments are deeply worried. Highly dangerous situations continue to be prominent in the Middle East, in the Korean Peninsular, in the South China Sea…

Peace is coming – be prepared

Unlikely as it may seem in view of today’s world being troubled by so many tensions and conflicts, the world is destined for a time of peace on an unprecedented scale. How will this be achieved? So many well-meaning human efforts have been made to accomplish this and yet have failed. Today, highly dangerous situations…

Christ’s Return is a Certainty

Did you realise that Jesus Christ is going to come a second time to fulfil his destiny to be King of the world? Ordinarily, so called “world leaders” come and go – whether good, bad or mediocre. None of them actually “lead” the whole world. They are all fallible and all temporary. Mortality inevitably takes…