Why you should believe the Bible

Vast numbers of people today have little or no idea of the content of the Bible, let alone believe in its contents. There are some churches which claim to have the Bible as the sole authority for their beliefs. Other churches (some very large ones at that) claim that the authority of their leaders, or…

The Bible is God’s life handbook

The Bible claims to be the word of God – God’s inspired revelation of Himself and His Son, and His plan for the world. The Bible’s claim to truth is confirmed by its many future predictions that have actually come to pass – particularly predictions about Jesus Christ and God’s people Israel. This reassures us…

God’s Answer to Current World Chaos

Responsible world governments are deeply worried. Multiple tense and dangerous situations continue to be prominent worldwide, and especially in the Middle East, in the Korean peninsular, and in European nations bordering Russia. Peaceful coexistence between the major powers is under threat. Furthermore, extremist Islamic terrorism can strike anywhere – even in Australia, as already experienced…

Israel – God’s Witnesses

The people of Israel are described in the Old Testament as “God’s witnesses” (Isaiah 43 vv10&12). God, we’re told, chose Israel not because of their importance but because He loved them. The Old and New Testaments contain an amazingly candid record of their history, with their flaws and failings plainly revealed – a consistent record…

Humanism and morality

Humanism represents a way of thinking that attaches prime importance to human thinking rather than a divine or supernatural authority. In contemporary western society humanism is largely non-religious and secular and does not recognise any divine authority. One of the problems arising from this philosophy is that humanists often fail to agree about the best…

Will the world ever have peace?

Responsible world governments are deeply worried. Highly dangerous situations continue to be prominent in the Middle East, in the Korean peninsular, and in European nations bordering Russia. Peaceful coexistence between the major powers is under threat. Furthermore, extremist Islamic terrorism can strike anywhere – even in Australia, as already experienced in an increasing number of…

God’s great promises

God’s “great and precious” promises hold out wonderful possibilities for us. They are detailed in the Old Testament, and confirmed and elaborated on in the New Testament. For instance, God’s promises to Abraham are described in the New Testament as “the gospel” and important comment stresses their relevance to us today. His promises to King…

The Bible’s Gospel of Hope

It’s usually bad news that makes headlines in our news media. However, the word “gospel” means, literally, “good news” – and that was what our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles preached. The gospel message of hope we read about in the Bible concerns the Kingdom of God and the saving work of Jesus Christ.…