It’s usually bad news that makes headlines in our news media. However, the word “gospel” means, literally, “good news” – and that was what our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles preached. The gospel message of hope we read about in the Bible concerns the Kingdom of God and the saving work of Jesus Christ. At his first coming Christ willingly gave himself as a sacrifice for sin in obedience to his Father’s will. When he comes again the Lord Jesus Christ will establish God’s worldwide Kingdom on this earth.
So called “world leaders” today come and go. None of them actually lead the whole world. They are all fallible and all temporary. The Bible promises the world leader to come with none of these deficiencies. The New Testament refers over 300 times to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The purpose of his personal return is to establish God’s worldwide Kingdom on earth. When this happens the failings of human leadership will be swept away and Christ will rule the world with infallible insight and incorruptible righteousness. As a consequence the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Almighty God. For a message of hope, there’s nothing to surpass the mission of the Son of God!
To help you get to grips with this world-changing subject, we invite you to a free Bible presentation on this vital topic, The Bible’s Gospel of Hope. This will be at 7.00pm on Sunday evening the 10th of December. The venue is the Christadelphian Hall, 489 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba Road, corner of Boyanda Street, opposite Ham Road, Wishart.
A relevant free booklet to draw to your attention is titled Hope for a hopeless world. The marvellous message of the Bible. It can be downloaded or read online by going to either of the links below:
- (Library→Doctrine→booklet title) or
- (Bible Education→Bible Booklets Online →The Future →booklet title).