God’s promises can save you

God’s “great and precious” promises hold out wonderful possibilities for us. They are detailed in the Old Testament, and confirmed and commented on in the New Testament. For instance, God’s promises to Abraham are described in the New Testament as “the gospel” and important comment stresses their relevance to us. His promises to King David…

The Bible is the Book for Today

Vast numbers of people today have little or no idea of the content of the Bible. There are some churches which claim to have the Bible as the sole authority for their beliefs. Other churches (some very large ones at that) claim that the authority of their leaders, or their claimed possession of Holy Spirit…


So called “world leaders” come and go – whether good, bad or mediocre. None of them actually lead the whole world. They are all fallible and all temporary. Mortality inevitably takes its toll on those who cling doggedly to power for many years – often because of a lust for continued power, privilege and financial…

God’s Solution for Middle East Turmoil

Middle Eastern nations are currently in a state of turmoil and violence provoked by sectarian religious extremism. Civil wars now being waged have already drawn in other combatants and have the potential to develop into lethally widespread conflict. These deadly threats have penetrated the African continent and are being felt in a number of Western…

How to Belong to Christ

Almighty God requires us to be teachable and obedient to His requirements. These requirements are explained to us in the Bible – which is God’s inspired word. They are made very clear by the recorded teaching of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ and also by the Apostles. God requires us to understand and believe the…

The world’s coming King

At this time of year more people will be thinking about the birth of Jesus Christ. Did you realise though that Jesus Christ is going to come a second time to fulfil his destiny to be King of the world – that is to return literally, personally and visibly to establish God’s Kingdom on earth?…

Israel in God’s plan

Disturbing news reaches us virtually every day of fierce conflict in the Middle East that has drawn in the Western Allies and, more recently, Russia with its very opposing objectives. The root cause of open warfare is enmity between Arab peoples of different sects and a repressive regime. There is also the age-old and enduring…