So called “world leaders” come and go – whether good, bad or mediocre. None of them actually lead the whole world. They are all fallible and all temporary. Mortality inevitably takes its toll on those who cling to power for many years.
The Bible promises a world leader to come with none of these deficiencies. The New Testament refers over 300 times to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The purpose of his personal return is to establish God’s worldwide Kingdom on earth. When this happens the failings of human leadership will be swept away and Christ will rule the world with infallible insight and incorruptible righteousness.
To help you get to grips with this momentous subject, we invite you to a free Bible presentation on this vital topic, God’s promised world leader. This will be at 7.00pm on Sunday evening the 25th of September. The venue is the Christadelphian Hall, 489 Mount Gravatt-Capalaba Road, corner of Boyanda Street, opposite Ham Road, Wishart.
We have a free booklet we can mail to you or give to you after the talk. It’s titled “Christ is coming. Bible teaching about his return”. If you would like a free copy mailed to you, please complete the contact form on the main page.